Musik zum Thema MGB
Eine Sache die bisher (seltsamerweise) immer an mir vorbei gegangen ist ist die Tatsache, dass es mindestens ein bekanntes Lied über den MGB gibt – unglaublich!
Der Sänger ist Peter Tork, der als Bassist der Popgruppe „The Monkees“ bekannt wurde.
Der Song heißt MGB-GT (wie auch sonst 😉 ) und ist zum Beispiel als Video – mehr eine Abfolge von Bildern – auf Youtube zu finden.
Hier der Text:
Lately, my mind is driftin back to former days that used to be
I think about some folks I knew and of my MGB-GT
People, let me tell you that if I had to make a recipe
For fun in driving, I would have to spell it MGB-GT
Cruising, choosing, using
And amusing myself, not a care
Striving, thriving, hot rod driving
Not arriving anywhere
Folks, this little car of mine was like a kitten purring throatily
Sometimes, it even seemed to soar into the heavens, my red MGB-GT
Tooling, fueling my good feeling
Schooling me in ways to know
Soaring, flooring it, adoring it
My little way to go
Folks, this little car of mine was like a kitten purring throatily
Sometimes, it even seemed to soar into the heavens, my red MGB-GT
(But I) I learned you have to lose some things
Before you treasure them, thats how it goes
(And I) I didnt give time to my car
And lost my car to time, what did I know?
And so, life carries on, and lots of things are better now for me
And yet, I think back on those golden times when I had my red MGB-GT
(But I)
(And I)
And so, life carries on, and lots of things are better now for me
And yet, I think back on those golden times when I had my red MGB-GT
My little red MG